What Books Should a Lawyer Read? The Ultimate List


 As a lawyer, reading books is an essential part of your profession. No matter how long you have been practicing, there is always something new to learn from books and authors. However, with so many books out there, finding the right ones to read can be overwhelming. That is why we have created a list of the best books every lawyer should read.

"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee -

This classic novel is a must-read for any lawyer. It’s a story about a small Alabama town in the 1930s and a lawyer who defends a black man falsely accused of rape. It’s a timeless tale that teaches about justice, discrimination, and courage.

"The Art of Advocacy" by Noah Messing -

This book is an excellent guide for lawyers who want to improve their advocacy skills. The author shares practical tips and tools for effective communication, persuasion, negotiation, and storytelling. This book is ideal for trial lawyers, appellate lawyers, and all others who want to be better advocates for their clients.

"Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher and William Ury -

This book is a classic on negotiation, widely regarded as one of the best books on the topic. The authors present a method for negotiation that aims to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for both parties. This book is a must-read for any lawyer who wants to be an effective negotiator.

"The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White -

Every lawyer should strive to write clear, concise, and compelling arguments. This book is an essential tool for anyone who wants to improve their writing skills. It covers the fundamentals of grammar, style, and composition, and it’s filled with practical examples and exercises.

"The End of Lawyers?" by Richard Susskind -

This book offers a thought-provoking analysis of the impact of technology on the legal profession. The author argues that lawyers need to adapt to the changing landscape of technology or risk becoming obsolete. This book is ideal for lawyers who want to stay ahead of the curve and learn about the future of the legal industry.

Other recommended books for lawyers:

  • "The Power of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini
  • "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell
  • "The Legal Analyst" by Ward Farnsworth
  • "The Lawyer's Compass" by Maya Steinitz
  • "The Law of Success" by Napoleon Hill

Benefits of reading as a lawyer:

  • Expand your knowledge and expertise
  • Improve your critical thinking and decision-making skills
  • Gain new perspectives and understand different points of view
  • Enhance your communication and writing skills
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field

Where to find books for lawyers:

  • Bookstores
  • Online retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Indiebound
  • Law libraries
  • Legal book clubs and associations


In conclusion, reading books should be an essential and ongoing part of every lawyer's professional development. Whether you want to improve your advocacy skills, negotiation skills, writing skills, or gain new insights into the changing legal landscape, there is a book out there for you. Start with our list and explore other recommended books to become a better lawyer.

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